Another SA whisky blog

Yes you read correctly. Another SA whisky blog. With the interwebs already full of outstanding  whisky blogs and sites, you may be asking “why another one?”

As I regularly read up on any whisky news and reviews that I can get my digital hands on, I noticed something. Of late there have been many noteworthy whisky news items coming out of South Africa. The most recent (or it was recent when I wrote this post) being that a South African whisky, Bain’s Cape Mountain Whisky, won the award for the World’s Best Grain Whisky in the 2013 World Whisky Awards. With this trend I felt like another SA whisky blog thrown into the mix could only add to the wonderful exposure South African whiskies are getting.

I am most certainly not a whisky expert by any stretch of the imagination. I always say that I am but a mere enthusiastic amateur. This blog allows me to share my views on the various whiskies that I get to savour, as well as any whisky news or whiskies musing that I may have. As with any type of art form, whisky and whisky tasting is subjective. So as much as will share my thoughts and comments, the final verdict on a whisky will always lie with oneself. Feel free to leave comments on any of my reviews or ponderings with your own thoughts or observations.


The Smoky Dram